Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a common condition which affects the digestive system and is said to impact up to 20% of the UK population. Finding alternative treatment for IBS is something many people seek as traditional approaches to the condition are not always effective.

IBS is characterised by a range of symptoms including abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhoea, which can severely impact daily life. Finding the right treatment programme for your condition is important, and many patients turn to Functional Medicine to find an alternative to usual medications and other treatment options.

Functional Medicine and IBS

The Functional Medicine approach to IBS is significantly different from the traditional route. Functional Medicine seeks to explore all aspects of the digestive and nervous system and their health, with the aim of uncovering why the symptoms of IBS are impacting the patient. The causes for IBS are different for each patient and Functional Medicine practitioners seek to find these root causes for the benefit of the patient and their health.

At Dr Gayetri’s clinic, the emphasis is on a holistic and patient-centred strategy that combines the latest scientific insights with natural therapies. This approach seeks to understand the individual’s unique health factors and lifestyle, integrating them into a tailored treatment plan.

The team put together a range of different non-invasive therapies designed to work with your body rather than simply minimise and suppress the symptoms. Many traditional medications simply suppress symptoms and the condition itself is never properly treated. The combination of therapies in place as an alternative treatment for IBS through Functional Medicine may include dietary adjustments, stress management techniques, and supplements that are chosen based on thorough diagnostic testing and personal health history.

How effective is Functional Medicine as an Alternative Treatment for IBS?

The research in this area is growing, with research published and collated by the Institute of Functional Medicine highlighting that there are many modifiable lifestyle factors which can improve the symptoms for patients with IBS. The IFM have their own Elimination Diet and generally, as food intolerance and cognitive and emotional factors have been recognised as key to IBS symptoms, patients have been able to make small changes and see significant improvement in their symptoms.

We are always looking to further improve quality of life for our patients, and we work with each patient to find the best balance of therapies and lifestyle changes for their circumstances. Each appointment is a chance to thoroughly explore your symptoms, medical history and lifestyle. From there, we can put together the best possible alternative treatment for IBS.

Book your Appointment today

Dr Gayetri and her team regularly see patients with IBS and similar gut dysfunction disorders. You can book an initial appointment today and begin your healing journey with Functional Medicine. Get in contact today.


Image source: BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons