Frequently asked questions

Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Functional Medicine and working with Dr Gayetri

Functional Medicine FAQs

Functional medicine takes a scientific approach to identify and treat the root cause of illness rather than just managing symptoms. It views health holistically, considering the whole person to prevent and treat chronic diseases. Unlike conventional medicine, functional medicine focuses on understanding why an individual is unwell and creates personalised treatment plans.

When visiting a functional medicine doctor, the focus is on answering, “Why am I ill?” and developing individualised care that addresses specific health concerns. This approach aims to restore optimal health by addressing the root causes of illness and promoting natural healing, ensuring long-term well-being and energy.

Functional medicine differs from conventional medicine by focusing on identifying and treating the root causes of health issues rather than just managing symptoms. It involves detailed medical histories and considers factors like genetics, mind-body connections, and environmental impacts. This comprehensive approach allows for personalised care emphasises prevention and holistic treatment.

For example, if you have high blood pressure, a conventional doctor may prescribe medication to lower it. In contrast, a functional medicine doctor would investigate the underlying causes of your high blood pressure and create a treatment plan to address these causes directly.

Absolutely! Functional Medicine is based on scientific research demonstrating the significant impact of lifestyle factors on health. By focusing on diet, sleep, exercise, stress, and relationships, Functional Medicine has shown long-term improvements in various conditions.

Most illnesses are triggered by lifestyle factors, and clinical research shows that targeting these five areas has a broad impact on health. Patients who address these factors often see lasting improvements.

While conventional medicine is effective for short-term issues like surgery or acute infections, Functional Medicine offers a holistic and personalised approach that many patients prefer.

See a functional medicine doctor for prevention, chronic symptoms, or when you want to avoid lifelong medications. It’s also helpful when conventional doctors can’t provide answers or if you want to improve your overall health and well-being.
Yes, we can help with your health problem. Whether you have a chronic condition, frequent illness, fatigue, chronic pain, or want to improve your health, we offer support. We provide guidance if you want to reduce prescription medications or need advice on supplements.

Unlike conventional medicine, we focus on finding the root causes of illness. Our comprehensive evaluations include tests for food sensitivities, hidden infections, environmental toxins, mould exposure, nutritional deficiencies, metabolic imbalances, and genetic testing. Identifying these factors allows us to recommend changes in diet, lifestyle, supplements, or medications to improve your health.

Functional medicine effectively treats a wide range of chronic conditions, including:

  • Gut problems (IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease)
  • Women’s health issues (PCOS, Endometriosis, menstrual disorders)
  • Chronic pain
  • Brain fog
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Allergies
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Digestive disorders
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Mental health conditions

We focus on identifying root causes and providing personalised treatment plans to help you overcome these challenges and improve your health.

Certainly! Many patients find that integrating Functional Medicine with conventional treatments, such as medication or surgery, helps to improve their overall health and well-being. We are not saying there is no place for conventional medicine and we can support your existing treatment plans with alternative therapies and approaches.

Healing is a journey, and how soon you’ll start feeling better can vary from person to person. Chronic illnesses take time to develop, so it’s important to be patient with your body as it heals. Some patients notice significant improvements within the first month, while others may need more time. Our standard treatment programs typically last 3 to 6 months, providing ample time to restore your body’s function.

It’s helpful to remember that your condition didn’t develop overnight. Years of stress and illness have taken their toll, and it takes a proper amount of time to restore function. There are many factors to consider, such as your specific diagnosis, how long you have been unwell, and how well you are able to follow the treatment plan. On average, it takes about one month of repair for each year you have suffered from a problem or symptom.

While we can’t give an exact timeframe, focusing on the root cause of your illness ensures that the healing process unfolds naturally, leading to long-lasting results. Patience and dedication to your treatment plan are key to your journey toward better health.

Appointments FAQs

We’re looking forward to meeting you at your first appointment. To help us get to know you better, we’ll be providing a comprehensive health questionnaire. This form includes questions about your current health symptoms, medical history, lifestyle habits, significant life events, and family medical history. We understand it may seem lengthy, but every question is important. By providing this information, you’ll help us ensure your appointment is as productive as possible.

During your appointment, our experienced doctor will review your answers and take a detailed case history. With your consent, a physical examination may also be conducted. Together, we’ll identify the root causes of your health concerns and create a personalised treatment plan. This plan might include dietary and lifestyle recommendations, lab tests, supplements, and natural therapies to help restore your body’s balance.

To make your first appointment as effective as possible, please complete our forms online at least three working days before your visit. This gives our doctors the time they need to thoroughly review your health history.

If you have any relevant test results from the past six months, please upload them to our patient portal. You can also bring these lab results with you to your appointment but having them in advance will help our doctors provide a more thorough evaluation.

Additionally, we ask that you keep a three-day food diary and bring it with you. This will give us valuable insights into your dietary habits and help us tailor our recommendations to your specific needs.

Our team of doctors is based in Marylebone, London, where we provide quality healthcare services in the centre of the capital. We’ve also recently expanded our care to Birmingham with a dedicated clinic there.

Please note that we only serve patients within the United Kingdom to comply with local regulations and insurance requirements.

Yes! While we prefer face-to-face initial appointments whenever possible, we can accommodate remote consultations using video conferencing technology such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Patients can visit us for an initial appointment and then maintain their follow-ups via their preferred video platform. We don’t want distance to stop you accessing the healthcare you need.

No, the practice’s doctor cannot act as the patients’ GP.

Due to insurance requirements, our doctors are focused on providing functional medicine care within our practice. For comprehensive general practitioner services, we recommend registering with a local GP who can address your wider healthcare needs.

To provide the best service to all our patients, we kindly request that you cancel or reschedule your appointment at least 48 hours in advance. Last-minute cancellations within 24 hours will incur the full fee, as it’s challenging for us to fill that time.

Fees & Payment FAQs

Investing in your health is truly priceless, and we aim to help you achieve lasting results. Most of our patients typically start with two or three appointments in the first three months. After that, they usually need two or three follow-up visits each year to keep up their progress.

We offer a variety of packages designed to meet your needs, with prices ranging from £659 to £1499. You can find the full range of packages for more details. These packages provide comprehensive care and support. Many of our patients have shared that this investment has been one of the best decisions they’ve made for their well-being. Please also consider the cost of lab tests and medications, as these can vary.

We use a variety of lab tests to pinpoint the root causes of your health issues. The number of tests we recommend depends on your unique situation, including how many concerns you have and how long you’ve been experiencing symptoms. Typically, we suggest between 1 and 4 lab tests over a period of 3 to 6 months.

Depending on the type of test, the required samples may include saliva, urine, hair, and stool. Most of these tests are simple to administer at home using the convenient test kits we provide. Some tests may require a blood draw. Our team will be there to guide and assist you with both the initial and follow-up testing, ensuring a smooth and supportive experience.

Our consultation fees do not include the costs of lab tests or additional supplements. These expenses are paid directly to the suppliers or labs.
However, we will provide recommendations regarding supplements and which lab tests are the most suitable. Please refer to the average pricing below for budgeting purposes.
On average, patients can expect to spend approximately £100-150 per month on supplements. This will vary and we can offer you different options, but this is how much our patients should be ready to invest.
The cost of initial lab tests typically ranges from £150 to £375 on average. As your treatment progresses, you may need further tests but we will always discuss this so you can make an informed decision. You can also take into account whether it’s a good financial decision and your testing plan can always be adapted and changed to suit your budget.

Yes, we accept all major debit and credit cards.

This depends on your insurance provider. Functional Medicine is still a relatively new concept in the UK and this can mean that not all insurance cover will allow you to begin treatment with us.

You should check your policy as some insurance providers may cover specific Functional Medicine testing but not the actual consultation or treatment costs.

We recommend reaching out to your insurance provider to discuss coverage options for Functional Medicine services. We can also assist in helping you to understand the payment options available and finding a plan to suit your needs.

Our clinic’s practice style focuses on compassionate care, empowering individuals to reclaim their health and live fulfilling, balanced lives. Explore our testimonial page to read feedback from many satisfied patients.

We only accept patients residing in the UK over the age of 18.

Start your journey to a better life

Rest assured we have the skills and experience to help you on your transformative journey.

New Patient Discovery Call

If you want to find out if Functional Medicine is the right option for you, we offer a no obligation discovery call with Dr Gayetri, priced at £35, which is redeemable against any package you invest in.