Functional Medicine Testing

Functional Medicine Testing Clinic In London

  • Tired of feeling unwell but receiving no explanations from traditional healthcare?
  • Struggling with your health and unable to find answers?
  • Are you ready to uncover the root causes of your health issues?

In our clinical experience, many patients seek our assistance after receiving reassurances from their GPs about their ‘normal’ blood test results or other conventional tests, yet they persist in feeling unwell without receiving adequate explanations or guidance on the next steps.

Identify the Cause

In the realm of Functional Medicine, practitioners acknowledge that standard lab results often fall short in providing a comprehensive understanding of a patient’s condition. A Functional Medicine Doctor’s primary objective is to isolate the underlying cause of health issues, aiming for sustainable and enduring healing.

Functional medicine tests play a pivotal role in achieving this goal. While conventional tests offer a broad overview of bodily functions, they lack the specificity needed to pinpoint precise areas of imbalance.

Functional labs excel in identifying specific areas of concern, tailored to each patient’s unique biochemistry, genetics, and health profile. These specialized tests offer detailed insights into various aspects, including:

  • Presence of toxic chemicals
  • Bacterial, parasitic, and fungal imbalances
  • Levels of minerals and heavy metals
  • Hormones
  • Amino acid & vitamin levels
  • Metabolic pathway issues

Unblock Healing

Where health conditions seem stuck and have not responded to conventional interventions, Functional Medicine Testing can be very useful to help us unlock and identify what exactly is blocking healing. From there, treatment can follow.

Unlock Healing with Functional Medicine Testing

Explore Hidden Health Issues Within the Body. Identify Underlying Bacteria, Fungal, Metabolic, and Toxicity Issues That Can Contribute to Various Health Challenges.

Functional Tests

We have many well-researched and evidence-based tests available, Below are some of the common ones we use in the clinic.

Functional Tests for Gut Health and Food Allergies

Food intolerances are widespread and can present a variety of symptoms, ranging from mild discomfort to more severe conditions like celiac disease. These symptoms often include gastrointestinal issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhoea, as well as headaches, fatigue, skin problems, and mood disturbances. However, identifying the specific problematic foods for each individual can be challenging due to the complex nature of food sensitivities.

Our food intolerance test offers a comprehensive analysis to identify specific food triggers contributing to these symptoms. By analyzing your body’s immune response to various foods, we can pinpoint intolerances accurately. This information is invaluable for individuals experiencing chronic digestive issues, unexplained fatigue, skin disorders, and mood swings.


Chronic digestive issues: If you frequently experience bloating, gas, diarrhea, or abdominal pain after eating certain foods, it may indicate an underlying food intolerance.

  1. Unexplained fatigue: Food intolerances can lead to systemic inflammation and nutrient malabsorption, resulting in persistent fatigue and low energy levels.
  2. Skin disorders: Conditions like eczema, acne, or unexplained rashes may be linked to food sensitivities and intolerances.
  3. Mood swings and cognitive issues: Some individuals may experience mood fluctuations, brain fog, or difficulty concentrating due to their body’s reaction to certain foods.
  4. Weight management struggles: Food intolerances can disrupt metabolism, leading to unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight despite efforts to eat healthily and exercise.

By identifying and eliminating trigger foods based on your test results, you can alleviate symptoms, reduce inflammation, improve gut health, and enhance overall well-being.

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The GI Effects (GIFX) Microbial Ecology Profile is a comprehensive test designed to assess the balance of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract. This includes bacteria, yeast, and parasites, providing valuable insights into gut health and function.

By analyzing the microbial ecology of the gut, this test can identify imbalances in the gut microbiome that may contribute to various digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). It can also reveal underlying factors associated with conditions like leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune diseases.


  1. Chronic or recurrent gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, or abdominal pain.
  2. Suspected gut dysbiosis or microbial imbalance.
  3. Assessment of gut health and function in individuals with inflammatory conditions like Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or celiac disease.
  4. Evaluation of potential contributors to systemic health issues related to gut health, such as immune dysfunction, food sensitivities, or mood disorders.
  5. Monitoring the effectiveness of interventions, such as dietary changes, probiotic supplementation, or antimicrobial therapy, aimed at restoring gut balance and improving digestive health.

Overall, the GIFX Microbial Ecology Profile offers valuable insights into the complex interplay between gut microorganisms and their impact on overall health and well-being.

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The GI Effects test is a comprehensive assessment tool for evaluating gastrointestinal health and function. It analyzes various markers related to digestion, absorption, gut inflammation, and immune function, providing valuable insights into the underlying causes of digestive symptoms and disorders.

This test examines biomarkers such as digestive enzymes, markers of inflammation, intestinal permeability (leaky gut), immune response, and microbial balance (bacteria, yeast, and parasites). By measuring these markers, the GI Effects test can help identify imbalances, infections, or dysfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.


  1. Chronic or recurrent gastrointestinal symptoms, such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, or indigestion.
  2. Suspected gut infections, such as bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), yeast overgrowth (Candida), or parasitic infections.
  3. Evaluation of intestinal permeability (leaky gut) in individuals with autoimmune diseases, food sensitivities, or inflammatory conditions.
  4. Assessment of gut inflammation and immune response in conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or celiac disease.
  5. Monitoring the effectiveness of interventions, such as dietary changes, probiotics, or antimicrobial therapy, aimed at improving gut health and relieving digestive symptoms.

Overall, the GI Effects test offers a comprehensive and personalized approach to assessing gastrointestinal health, guiding targeted interventions to optimize digestive function and overall well-being.

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This test is designed to detect the presence of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, a condition that can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and malabsorption of nutrients. It measures levels of methane and hydrogen gases in the breath following the ingestion of a substrate, indicating abnormal fermentation by bacteria in the small bowel.


  • Individuals experiencing symptoms of SIBO, including bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and malabsorption.
  • Those with conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), celiac disease, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, or other gastrointestinal disorders suspected to be associated with bacterial overgrowth.
  • Patients with unexplained chronic gastrointestinal symptoms or suspected malabsorption issues.
  • Individuals seeking confirmation or further investigation of a suspected SIBO diagnosis.

The SIBO test provides valuable insights into gastrointestinal health and helps guide appropriate treatment strategies, including dietary modifications, antimicrobial therapy, and probiotic supplementation.

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Functional Tests for Nutritional Deficiencies

This test is a comprehensive assessment of nutritional status and metabolic function, providing insights into individualized nutritional needs and potential imbalances. It analyzes various biomarkers related to amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and metabolites, offering a holistic view of the body’s nutritional status and metabolic pathways.


  • Individuals experiencing chronic fatigue, low energy levels, or unexplained symptoms that may be related to nutritional deficiencies or imbalances.
  • Those with conditions such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, or gastrointestinal issues that may benefit from a thorough evaluation of nutritional status and metabolic function.
  • Patients undergoing weight management or seeking support for optimizing overall health and wellness.
  • Individuals following restrictive diets, such as vegetarian or vegan diets, or those with dietary restrictions due to food allergies or intolerances.

The NutraEval test helps identify specific nutritional deficiencies, metabolic dysfunctions, and biochemical imbalances, guiding targeted interventions such as dietary modifications, nutritional supplementation, and lifestyle changes to optimize health outcomes.

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Metabolomix is a cutting-edge diagnostic test that provides comprehensive insights into metabolic health and function by analyzing a panel of key metabolites in urine. This test assesses various metabolic pathways, including energy production, neurotransmitter metabolism, detoxification, oxidative stress, and gut microbial activity, offering valuable information to optimize health and address underlying imbalances.


  • Individuals experiencing unexplained symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, mood disturbances, digestive issues, or metabolic dysfunction.
  • Those with a family history of metabolic disorders or chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or neurodegenerative conditions.
  • Patients seeking to optimize their nutritional status, identify nutrient deficiencies, and personalize their dietary and supplementation regimen for better health outcomes.
  • Individuals undergoing weight management programs or seeking to improve metabolic efficiency.
  • Athletes or fitness enthusiasts looking to enhance performance, recovery, and overall metabolic health.

The Metabolomix test provides actionable insights into metabolic function, allowing healthcare practitioners to tailor targeted interventions, including dietary modifications, lifestyle interventions, nutritional supplementation, and other therapeutic strategies, to support optimal health and well-being.

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Functional Tests for Metabolic Health

This test is a comprehensive diagnostic tool that assesses metabolic function by analyzing the levels of organic acids in urine. These organic acids are metabolic byproducts produced during various biochemical pathways in the body, providing valuable insights into nutrient deficiencies, detoxification capacity, neurotransmitter metabolism, oxidative stress, and gut dysbiosis.


  • Individuals experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, mood disorders, digestive issues, and chronic illness with no clear diagnosis.
  • Those with suspected or confirmed imbalances in gut microbiota, including yeast overgrowth (such as Candida), bacterial dysbiosis, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
  • Patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or other neurodevelopmental conditions, as the OAT can provide insights into neurotransmitter metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction.
  • Individuals undergoing detoxification protocols or seeking to optimize their body’s detoxification pathways.
  • Athletes or fitness enthusiasts looking to assess their metabolic health and optimize performance.

The OAT offers a non-invasive way to assess underlying metabolic imbalances and guide targeted interventions, including dietary modifications, supplementation, lifestyle changes, and therapeutic interventions to restore balance and promote optimal health and well-being.

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Functional Tests for Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular assessment is essential to prevent or reverse serious metabolic conditions.

The Cardio Check test is a comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular health, providing valuable insights into various biomarkers associated with heart function, lipid metabolism, inflammation, and oxidative stress. By analyzing key markers in blood samples, this test helps evaluate cardiovascular risk factors, identify potential underlying issues, and guide personalized interventions to support heart health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


  • Individuals with a family history of heart disease, stroke, or other cardiovascular conditions.
  • Those with risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity, or sedentary lifestyle.
  • Patients experiencing symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, or fatigue, are suggestive of underlying heart problems.
  • Individuals undergoing cardiac rehabilitation or seeking to optimize their cardiovascular health through lifestyle modifications and targeted interventions.
  • Athletes or fitness enthusiasts interested in assessing their cardiovascular fitness and performance.

The Cardio Check test provides valuable information to healthcare practitioners, enabling them to formulate personalized strategies for cardiovascular risk management, including dietary and lifestyle recommendations, exercise prescriptions, targeted supplementation, and pharmacological interventions when necessary. Early detection and intervention based on the results of this test can help prevent or mitigate the progression of cardiovascular disease and improve overall heart health and longevity.

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Functional Tests for Toxins

The Hair Elements test is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that assesses levels of essential minerals and toxic elements in the body by analyzing a small sample of hair. This test provides valuable insights into potential nutrient deficiencies, heavy metal exposure, and overall mineral balance, offering crucial information for personalized health interventions.


  • Individuals experiencing symptoms suggestive of heavy metal toxicity, such as fatigue, brain fog, headaches, joint pain, or gastrointestinal issues.
  • Those with chronic health conditions that may be exacerbated by heavy metal exposure, including autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions, or metabolic disorders.
  • Patients with suspected environmental or occupational exposure to heavy metals due to factors such as job-related activities, hobbies, or geographical location.
  • Individuals seeking to optimize their nutritional status and overall health by identifying potential deficiencies or imbalances in essential minerals.

The Hair Elements test offers a comprehensive assessment of mineral status and toxic metal exposure, allowing for targeted interventions to restore balance and promote overall health and well-being. By identifying underlying imbalances or toxic burdens, this test empowers individuals and healthcare providers to implement proactive strategies for detoxification, nutritional support, and environmental risk reduction, ultimately supporting long-term health and vitality.

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The Mycotox Profile is a specialized test designed to detect exposure to mycotoxins, toxic compounds produced by certain molds commonly found in indoor environments. This test analyzes urine samples to identify mycotoxin metabolites, providing valuable insights into potential mold exposure and associated health risks.


  • Individuals experiencing symptoms suggestive of mold-related illness, such as chronic fatigue, respiratory issues, sinus congestion, headaches, or cognitive impairment.
  • Those living or working in water-damaged buildings, including homes, offices, or schools, where mold growth is suspected or confirmed.
  • Patients with unexplained or persistent health problems that have not responded to conventional treatments and may be linked to environmental mold exposure.
  • Individuals with compromised immune systems or underlying health conditions, such as asthma, allergies, or autoimmune disorders, who may be more susceptible to the adverse effects of mold toxins.
  • Individuals interested in proactive measures to reduce mold exposure and minimize health risks, including those considering relocation or remodeling activities in water-damaged environments.

The Mycotox Profile offers a comprehensive assessment of mycotoxin exposure, helping individuals and healthcare providers identify potential sources of mold contamination and develop targeted strategies for remediation and risk reduction. By detecting mycotoxin metabolites in urine samples, this test provides objective data to guide clinical decision-making and support interventions aimed at restoring health and promoting well-being in mold-exposed individuals.

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Functional Tests for Hormonal Health

This Profile is a diagnostic test that evaluates adrenal gland function by measuring levels of cortisol and DHEA, key hormones involved in the body’s stress response system. This comprehensive assessment helps identify imbalances in adrenal hormone production and assesses the body’s ability to cope with stress effectively.


  • Individuals experiencing symptoms of adrenal dysfunction, such as fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, or difficulty coping with stress.
  • Patients with chronic conditions or diseases associated with adrenal fatigue, including autoimmune disorders, chronic pain, or hormonal imbalances.
  • Those undergoing prolonged or intense periods of stress, whether physical, emotional, or environmental, that may impact adrenal function and overall health.
  • Individuals with a history of adrenal disorders, such as Addison’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, or adrenal insufficiency, who require monitoring of adrenal hormone levels.
  • Individuals interested in optimizing their stress response and promoting adrenal health through lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and targeted supplementation.

The Adrenal Stress Profile provides valuable information about adrenal gland function, allowing for early detection of imbalances and targeted interventions to support adrenal health and improve stress resilience. By measuring cortisol and DHEA levels over the course of a day, this test offers insights into circadian rhythm disruptions, HPA axis dysregulation, and adrenal fatigue patterns, enabling tailored interventions to restore hormonal balance and enhance overall well-being.

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DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) Tests

The DUTCH test is an advanced diagnostic tool used in Functional Medicine to assess hormone levels and hormone metabolism. This comprehensive test analyzes dried urine samples collected over a 24-hour period to provide detailed insights into hormone balance, including cortisol, sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone), and their metabolites. The DUTCH test offers a comprehensive assessment of adrenal and sex hormone function, allowing clinicians to identify hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, and hormone-related conditions such as menopause, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and infertility. With its precise analysis and comprehensive hormone profile, the DUTCH test empowers clinicians to develop targeted treatment plans to restore hormone balance and optimize overall health and well-being.

The DUTCH Adrenal test can uncover the underlying reasons behind adrenal imbalances in both women and men. It provides more comprehensive insights compared to solely examining free cortisol patterns. While saliva testing for free cortisol is helpful, it doesn’t capture the complete picture of a patient’s HPA-Axis function. This is because it doesn’t measure cortisol metabolites, which are crucial for understanding cortisol levels accurately. By assessing both free and metabolized cortisol, this test ensures a more accurate assessment, avoiding potential misinterpretations caused by abnormal cortisol clearance rates.

Please note that this test focuses solely on adrenal function and does not include analysis of sex hormone metabolites or organic acids. It may be particularly beneficial for women using oral birth control or those without ovaries, for whom the DUTCH Complete test may not be suitable.

Women: Are you experiencing persistent fatigue, mood swings, or unexplained weight gain? Perhaps you’re navigating through menopause, facing low libido, or struggling with depressive feelings. Our DUTCH Adrenal test offers personalized insights into hormone imbalances that could be underlying your symptoms. Whether it’s managing premenstrual symptoms (PMS) or addressing concerns during menopause, this test empowers you with the information needed to take control of your health journey.

Men: Are you grappling with symptoms like fatigue, hair loss, or changes in mood? Our DUTCH Adrenal test provides tailored insights into hormone levels that may be impacting your well-being. From assessing prostate cancer risk to addressing concerns related to libido and sleep disturbances, this comprehensive test offers clarity and guidance for men navigating hormonal changes. Don’t let symptoms like weight gain or decreased sex drive dictate your quality of life. Take charge of your health with our DUTCH Adrenal test.



  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Low libido
  • Menopause
  • Mood swings
  • Premenstrual symptoms (PMS)
  • Weight gain


  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Increased prostate cancer risk
  • Lower sex drive
  • Sleeping troubles
  • Weight gain

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The DUTCH Complete test offers an extensive evaluation of sex and adrenal hormones, providing valuable insights into hormonal imbalances for both women and men. By analyzing 35 different hormones and their metabolites, including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol, this test offers a comprehensive understanding of hormonal health. It also assesses daily free cortisol and cortisone patterns, oxidative stress markers, melatonin, and nine organic acids, offering a holistic view of hormonal and metabolic function.

For women, the DUTCH Complete test can uncover the root causes of conditions such as depression, fatigue, low libido, menopause, mood swings, premenstrual symptoms, and weight gain. Similarly, for men, it can provide insights into depression, fatigue, hair loss, increased prostate cancer risk, lower sex drive, sleeping troubles, and weight gain.

Additionally, this test is beneficial for monitoring hormone replacement therapy and gathering baseline measurements.

The DUTCH Complete test is particularly useful for individuals experiencing chronic health issues related to hormonal imbalances.



• Depression

• Fatigue

• Low libido

• Menopause

• Mood swings

• Premenstrual symptoms (PMS)

• Weight gain


• Depression

• Fatigue

• Hair loss

• Increased prostate cancer risk

• Lower sex drive

• Sleeping troubles

• Weight gain

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DUTCH Complete Female Sample Report 2022
DUTCH Complete Male Sample Report 2022

The DUTCH Plus test revolutionizes hormone testing by offering an unparalleled level of insight into sex hormones and adrenal function. In addition to assessing sex hormones and their metabolites, the DUTCH Plus examines the diurnal pattern of free cortisol, cortisol metabolites, and introduces the Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR), shedding light on an essential aspect of the HPA axis.

The Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR) measures the natural rise in cortisol levels upon waking, providing valuable information about HPA-axis function beyond standard cortisol measurements. A blunted or exaggerated CAR can indicate underlying issues such as stress, sleep disorders, chronic pain, and mood disorders.

By incorporating both dried urine and salivary samples, the DUTCH Plusâ„¢ offers a comprehensive assessment of hormonal balance and metabolism. This unique combination of methodologies allows for a more accurate evaluation of hormone levels and metabolites, enabling clinicians to make precise treatment recommendations tailored to each patient’s needs.



  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Low libido
  • Menopause
  • Mood swings
  • Premenstrual symptoms (PMS)
  • Weight gain


  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Increased prostate cancer risk
  • Lower sex drive
  • Sleeping troubles
  • Weight gain

The DUTCH Plus test is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing hormonal imbalances and empowers patients to take control of their hormonal health and overall well-being.

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DUTCH Cycle Mapping provides a comprehensive view of a woman’s menstrual cycle by mapping the progesterone and estrogen patterns throughout. It’s particularly beneficial for patients experiencing month-specific symptoms, infertility, and conditions like PCOS.

Nine targeted measurements of estrogen and progesterone are taken at various points during the cycle to characterize the follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phases. This detailed mapping helps identify disruptions in hormonal patterns that could contribute to infertility or hormonal imbalances.

This test is especially useful for women facing challenges such as infertility, irregular cycles, or hormonal symptoms that fluctuate throughout the cycle, including PMS, mid-cycle spotting, and migraines.

It’s not recommended for postmenopausal women or those on hormonal birth control.


Women struggling with infertility

Women with cycling hormones and no menses:

Partial hysterectomy (ovaries intact but no uterus)


Mirena IUD (no actual menstrual bleeding due to IUD but still has hormonal symptoms)

Women with irregular cycles:


If the luteal phase shifts from month-to-month

Not sure when to test due to long or short cycles

Women whose hormonal symptoms tend to fluctuate throughout the cycle:

PMS, mid-cycle spotting, migraines, etc.

Hormonal Birth Control:

Refrain from starting the cycle map collection until the patient has been off their birth control for at least three months

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The Iodine Urine Test evaluates urinary iodine levels, crucial for thyroid hormone production, storage, and release. It’s a valuable tool for assessing thyroid function, estrogen metabolism, immune response, and overall health.

This test measures iodine levels in the urine, reflecting approximately 90% of iodine excretion. Unlike traditional 24-hour urine collection methods, this test requires a small amount of urine dried on FDA-approved filter paper, making it convenient and accessible for at-home use.


• Depression

• Dry, thinning, itchy skin

• Dry/brittle hair and nails

• Feeling cold all the time (when others don’t)

• Goiter

• Hair loss

• High blood pressure

• Hormone imbalances

• Hyper- & Hypo-thyroidism

• Infertility

• Insomnia

• Irregular bowel habits

• Low energy and stamina, especially in the evening

• Low libido

• Memory lapses or slow/fuzzy thinking

• Menstrual irregularities

• Pregnancy

• Thyroid Issues

• Water retention

• Weight gain or inability to lose weight despite exercise and diet

Given iodine’s pivotal role in various bodily functions, maintaining optimal levels is crucial for overall health and disease prevention. This test aids in identifying iodine deficiencies or excesses, guiding personalized interventions to optimize health and well-being.

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The Thyroid Complete test provides a comprehensive evaluation of thyroid function with 11 biomarkers. This includes key indicators like TSH, Total T4, Free T4, and Free T3, crucial for assessing the thyroid’s feedback loop system. Additionally, thyroid antibodies, Vitamin D, and lipid markers offer deeper insights into potential thyroid gland issues.


  • Fatigue
  • Weight regulation issues
  • Changes in temperature regulation
  • Reduced resilience

This test is ideal for initial evaluation or follow-up during treatment processes related to thyroid function. It helps identify thyroid abnormalities contributing to symptoms and guides appropriate interventions. Additionally, factors like sex hormones, pituitary function, liver health, and immune regulation can influence thyroid function, which can be further explored with complementary panels like the Sex Hormone panel and the Wellness 360 test. It’s essential to fast for 8 hours prior to the blood test and ensure adequate hydration for accurate results.

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Functional Tests for Genetics (DNA)

Embark on a journey of personalized health and wellness through DNA testing. DNA tests provide invaluable insights into various aspects of our biology, from skin health to athletic performance, from hormone metabolism to optimal nutrition.

By analyzing specific genetic markers, DNA tests empower individuals to tailor their lifestyles, diets, and fitness regimens to their unique genetic makeup. Whether optimizing training routines for peak athletic performance or mitigating the risk of chronic diseases, such as breast cancer, DNA testing offers personalized guidance to enhance overall well-being.

The DNA Health test aims to improve overall well-being and health by tailoring lifestyle, diet choices, and supplements based on individual genetic profiles.

This approach helps  to determine the best nutrition for maintaining good health, longevity, and reducing disease risks. Diet plays a crucial role in genomic stability, affecting pathways like DNA repair and synthesis. Therefore, it’s vital to define optimal nutrient requirements for preventing genomic instability, especially in diseases caused by DNA damage.


  • Identifies metabolic pathways needing extra support.
  • Offers recommendations for optimizing essential nutrients.
  • Indicates whether diet or medication is better for cholesterol reduction.
  • Provides insights into susceptibility to harmful dietary effects.

The DNA Health Test Report includes:

  • Impact levels of identified genetic variants.
  • Explanations of health implications.
  • Nutritional and lifestyle recommendations.

Results are segmented by metabolic function for easy identification of strengths and weaknesses.

Tests cover gene variations associated with processes like:

  • Lipid Metabolism
  • B Vitamins/Methylation
  • Detoxification
  • Inflammation
  • Food Responsiveness and Sensitivity
  • Vitamin Metabolism
  • Iron Overload
  • Oxidative Stress
  • Bone Health
  • Insulin Sensitivity

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DNA Skin explores personalized skincare by analsing variations in 18 genes associated with vital aspects of skin health and ageing. These areas include collagen formation, protection from SUN & UV exposure, inflammation, and defence against oxidative stress. With insights from your DNA Skin test, tailored recommendations on lifestyle, nutrition, and skincare products can be provided to enhance skin health and minimize visible signs of ageing.

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DNA Oestrogen evaluates 11 genes related to oestrogen biosynthesis, metabolism, and detoxification phases I and II. This test offers personalized recommendations for diet, lifestyle adjustments, hormone therapies, and nutraceuticals.

Around 80% of breast cancer cases occur in individuals with no family history. Oestrogen plays a significant role in target tissue function, and prolonged exposure increases the risk of breast cancer. DNA Oestrogen identifies gene variants affecting oestrogen metabolism, guiding tailored recommendations to improve metabolism and reduce the risk of oestrogen-related conditions.

Recommended for:

  • Individuals with a strong family history of breast, ovarian, colon, or prostate cancer
  • Those experiencing oestrogen-dominant conditions like endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, or uterine fibroid tumours
  • Individuals considering oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, or bio-identical hormone supplementation
  • Women contemplating in vitro fertilisation or diagnosed with oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer

The DNA Oestrogen Test Report provides:

  • Assessment of genetic variants’ impact on oestrogen metabolism
  • Explanation of their influence on health
  • Tailored nutritional and lifestyle recommendations to support healthy oestrogen metabolism

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DNA Sport analyzes genetic factors impacting training responsiveness and athletic performance across various biological areas. These include soft tissue and bone formation, inflammation, oxidative stress, oxygenation, energy production, and metabolism during exercise. Understanding gene variations in these areas helps exploit genetic advantages and address weaknesses through tailored diet and training strategies.

Recommended for:

Both recreational and elite athletes, providing insights to optimize:

  • Power and endurance
  • Structural integrity and injury risk
  • Recovery and training patterns

The DNA Sport Test Report provides:

  • Assessment of genetic variants’ impact on sports performance, injury, and recovery risk
  • Explanation of their influence on athletic potential and key training principles
  • Tailored nutritional and lifestyle recommendations for health and sports performance

Tests for:

Genetic analytes measured for athletic fitness and performance

Power and Endurance:

  • AGT: Influences exercise and training methods.
  • ACE: Affects vasodilation and vasoconstriction.
  • VEGF: Impacts blood vessel growth and oxygenation.
  • BDRKB: Influences fluid loss and thirst.
  • ACTN: Affects fast-twitch muscle fibers.
  • ADRB2: Associated with oxygenation and VO2max.
  • NRF-2: Improves respiratory capacity and ATP production.
  • PPARGC1A: Increases mitochondrial biogenesis.
  • PPARA: Impacts lipid and glucose metabolism.
  • TRHR: Stimulates metabolic rate.
  • VDR: Influences bone density.

Injury and Recovery:

  • GDF5: Influences skeletal and soft tissue development and healing.
  • COL1A1: Found in tendons, ligaments, and cartilage.
  • COL5A1: Forms fibrillar collagens in tendons and ligaments.
  • IL-6: Regulates inflammation.
  • CRP: Raises inflammatory response.
  • TNF-A: Affects glucose homeostasis.

SOD2: Acts as a potent antioxidant enzyme.

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The DNA Core test marks the initial step towards personalized healthcare, uncovering gene-environment interactions. It delivers concise recommendations across four primary domains:

  • Essential biological processes driving health, covering methylation, detoxification, and lipid metabolism.
  • Nutrient requirements tailored to genetic response, encompassing both macro- and micronutrients.
  • Insights into weight management, including obesity risk and eating behaviour.
  • Exercise responsiveness, highlighting power and endurance potential, as well as recovery time.

This comprehensive test consolidates all gene variants and insights from DNA Health, DNA Diet, and DNA Sport into one accessible report.

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Health Conditions Suited to Testing

There are many examples of how the tests can be applied, above are just a few examples. One of the key advantages is that they allow for precise identification of underlying issues that may otherwise be challenging to detect.

Here are a few examples:

Stool tests play a pivotal role in identifying and addressing gut-related health concerns. For instance, individuals struggling with chronic and stubborn Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can benefit from stool testing to reveal specific bacteria or fungi contributing to their symptoms. This insight enables the implementation of tailored antimicrobial treatments and natural interventions to restore gut health. Moreover, compromised gut health is often behind numerous health conditions, making it essential to identify and address gut issues as a key aspect of overall health. Providers increasingly recognize the importance of gut health assessments for understanding root causes of health issues, even in patients without GI symptoms. Stool testing has become popular due to substantial research on the microbiome’s role in overall health, making it a valuable tool for optimizing health and well-being.

Comprehensive hormone panels, such as the DUTCH test, offer detailed insights into hormone balance, particularly in cases of perimenopause, menopause, and fertility challenges. Unlike traditional blood or saliva tests, urine testing provides a comprehensive overview of sex hormones, sleep hormones, and adrenal hormones, including metabolites. This comprehensive analysis aids in understanding hormone fluctuations and their impact on symptoms, guiding personalized treatment strategies.

Hormonal imbalances can cause health issues ranging from adrenal fatigue, inflammation, diabetes, obesity, and sexual dysfunction to heart disease. These imbalances often manifest in conditions such as menopause, PCOS, weight gain, fatigue, low libido, premenstrual syndrome, mood swings, sleep issues, mood disorders, and prostate issues in men. Additionally, hormone testing measures metabolites of stress hormone cortisol, offering insights into adrenal health and stress resilience. This detailed test is valuable for establishing baseline measurements for hormone replacement therapy administration and monitoring.

Balanced levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are crucial for optimal health in both men and women. Hormone ratios vary among individuals, but imbalances, whether excessive or deficient, can lead to diverse symptoms such as weight gain, anxiety, depression, erectile dysfunction, mood problems, low sex drive, infertility, acne, and more.

Thyroid dysfunction can significantly impact overall health, yet it is often challenging to diagnose accurately using conventional tests alone. Functional medicine utilizes comprehensive thyroid panels, which examine various thyroid hormones and antibodies, providing a comprehensive evaluation of thyroid health. This approach ensures a more accurate diagnosis, especially for autoimmune thyroid problems that conventional tests may overlook. A full thyroid panel is crucial for identifying underlying thyroid issues that may manifest as symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, and depression.

Utilizing tests such as the Organic Acids Test (OAT) or GI Effects stool test can help pinpoint the specific microbial culprits behind infections. From viruses and parasites to strains of mold and Candida, these tests provide crucial information for targeted interventions, including the use of specialized probiotics or sensitivity-tested antimicrobials.

For individuals grappling with urinary tract problems ranging from chronic UTIs to interstitial cystitis and kidney stones, functional testing, such as the OAT test, can uncover underlying issues contributing to these conditions. By pinpointing specific metabolic imbalances or microbial dysbiosis, these tests provide valuable insights for targeted interventions, addressing the root causes of urinary tract issues effectively.

How Does the Functional Testing Process Work?

Taking control of your health has never been easier with our simple and convenient testing process:

  • 1

    Order Your Test and Optional Consultation Easily
    Order your test online and choose to book a consultation with our doctors for expert guidance on interpreting your results.
    If you’re uncertain about which test is right for you or would like a doctor’s recommendation on the most suitable option, consider booking a Discovery Call with Dr. Gayetri. During this, Dr. Gayetri can provide expert guidance tailored to your specific health concerns and help you determine the most beneficial testing approach.

  • 2
    Collect Your Sample at Home
    With clear instructions provided, collecting your bloodspot, urine, saliva, breath, or stool sample at home is a breeze. If you have any questions, our team is here to assist you every step of the way.
  • 3

    Return Your Test
    Once you’ve collected your sample, simply return it to the lab using the prepaid shipping label included in your kit.

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    Analysis and Result Interpretation
    Once processed, your results will be sent to us. We can then provide you with this information directly.

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    Book a Consultation with Our Doctors
    Schedule a consultation with our doctors to discuss your results and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Our doctors will guide you through the findings and offer recommendations for targeted and effective treatment.


Functional medicine testing provides a comprehensive and personalised approach to healthcare, allowing for the identification of underlying issues that may be contributing to health problems. If you are feeling unwell and don’t know why, functional tests can provide the answers you’ve been looking for.

At Dr Gayetri’s Practice, we specialise in identifying and correcting imbalances in our patient’s health using the functional medicine approach: balancing personalised nutrition and lifestyle plans, one-to-one therapy, and at-home functional testing.

Take action today to get your health back on track.