Mental Health and Functional Medicine

Mental Health and Functional Medicine

One of the most challenging aspects of mental health is the overwhelming sense of loss that you feel. You may feel like you have no idea what to do or who you can go to for help. This sense of loss probably leaves you feeling frozen and stuck. Following a traditional...
Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

“An ounce of prevention ins worth more than a pound of cure” – Benjamin Franklin According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 6 out of 10 people suffer from a minimum of one chronic illness throughout their life. These figures are an eye-opener...
Pre & Post COVID Support

Pre & Post COVID Support

“Stay home, stay safe,” is the mantra of this year. The COVID pandemic with a second lockdown has confined us all within our homes and created a level of uncertainty we are not used to. However, no matter how out of control this all feels we all have it within our...
What is Functional Medicine?

What is Functional Medicine?

Whenever you visit a doctor, the biggest question spiraling in your mind is, “Why am I ill?” Functional medicine strives to answer this question proficiently to plan a more personalized approach for utmost care provision. A Functional Medicine Doctor’s aim is to...
Optimum Health Through Functional Medicine

Optimum Health Through Functional Medicine

Optimum Health Through Functional Medicine You may feel that your body is working fine at times, but your mind isn’t in the right state. Or, your mind is working well, but physically you don’t have the strength to get up and do anything. We know how devastating it...